Join Us
If you are genuinely passionate about Lincoln motor cars and you've not yet joined the Lincoln Motor Car Foundation, it's time for action!
Many other classic Marques have established foundations and organizations to preserve and promote their histories. Such an organization for the Lincoln marque now exists. But it needs your commitment and financial support. Join Today!
It's Time to Get on Board!
- Help preserve and promote the Lincoln heritage.
- Have a link with fellow Lincoln enthusiasts
- Support a haven for preservation of Lincoln lore
- Saved the original Lincoln Factory stonework
- Begun oral history interviews
- Arranged for Lincoln materials to be archived at the AACA library
- Cataloging historic Lincoln advertisements
- Accumulating historic Lincoln material
- Digitizing Lincoln Technical information for the internet
Membership in the Lincoln Motor Car Foundation
$35 Annual
- $100 Annual Sustaining
- $1,000 Annual Corporate
- $1,000 Lifetime (or four payments of $250)
Individuals with LMCF Life Membership Cards are entitled to free admission into the Gilmore Car Museum complex during normal hours of operation and are eligible for the Ford Motor Company X-Plan, a partner discount program for new Ford and Lincoln vehicles.
Memorial (Please provide name of honoree from the list below or submit your own choice).
Use the form on this page to pay by credit card. If you prefer to pay by check, send your name and a check to: Lincoln Motor Car Foundation, P.O. Box 1715, Maple Grove, Minnesota 55311-6715, or call 866-427-7583.
Memorial naming opportunities and recognition for both the memorialized individual and the donor are available. Funds may also be pooled to allow significant elements of the site to be identified as part of a memorial. All memorial contributions in excess of $1,000 will be acknowledged on the site; memorial gifts are also eligible for naming opportunities. The following Memorials are now in place, to which you may desire to add funds or you may create an additional memorial for a special friend, a family member or someone whom you admire:
Calvin S. Beauregard
Al Bonlie
Jeanne E. Brown
Robert Burke II
Earl and Margaret Carpenter
Jack Cassan
Truett Cathy
Chadwick A. Coombs
Mike Cunningham
Robert H. Davis
Buzz DeClerk
Charles and Georgene Dickson
Barbara Duncan
Den Fenske
Jerry L. Flannery
Benson Ford, Sr.
Clara Bryant Ford
Edsel B. Ford
Eleanor Clay Ford
Henry Ford
Henry Ford II
Josephine Clay Ford
William Clay Ford, Sr.
E.T. "Bob" Gregorie
Thomas R. Groden, Sr.
Barney B. Hightower
Henry M. LelandDouglas W. Mattix
Ferdinand V. Meinor
Richard Macintosh
Charlotte McWade
James Grant Milne
Randall Mytar
Fran Olweiler
Jack Passey Jr.
Miki Pease
Hank Pittman
Walter P. Rhea
John M. Reinhart
Walter P. Rhea
Elmer J. Rohn
L. Dale Schaeffer
Harvey W. SchofieldMichael Simco
Charles Steward
Roy Thorson
Ron Von Blon
Arthur Whitmire
Edson P. Williams
Paul B. Willson, Jr.
Carl Wolf
Bernie Wolfson
Carl H.Yoho
Eldon Yung
Membership In the Lincoln Motor Car Foundation
The Lincoln Motor Car Foundation was created and is fostered by the Lincoln Owner's Club, the Lincoln-Zephyr Owner's Club, the Lincoln and Continental Owner's Club and Road Race Lincoln Register.
The objectives of the Foundation are to collect, preserve, perpetuate, display and disseminate to the public information, hardware, memorabilia and vehicles related to the history of the Lincoln motor car.
The foundation is organized as a not-for-profit Michigan corporation and is recognized by the IRS as a public, tax-exempt foundation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.