News and Current information from Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum and the Lincoln Motor Car Foundation.
Message From the Chairman
The door is closing on another fine year for the Lincoln Motor Car Foundation and the Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum and Research Center. The Foundation is making steady progress toward its $2 million museum endowment fund goal and the Museum enjoyed record attendance in 2023.
The 2023 Lincoln Homecoming was hosted by the Lincoln Owners Club and featured an enjoyable weekend of activities and a car show for attendees. The 2024 Homecoming will be hosted by the Lincoln-Zephyr Owners Club, which is already making plans.
Our Museum received several Lincolns in 2023 as it continues to “tell the Lincoln story.” If you’re considering donating a Lincoln—or Lincoln memorabilia—contact Jim Blanchard or me.
When making your 2023 charitable giving plans I hope you’ll consider the Lincoln Motor Car Foundation, specifically, the endowment fund. That fund will ensure the continued operation of our museum for many years to come. Look into the “Leave a Legacy” program as well as the “Become a Lincoln Star” program. There’s more information on this website, or contact Bruce Kopf or Jerry Seibert.
Standing: Henry Ford (left) and Henry Leland.
Seated: Edsel Ford (left) and Wilfred Leland.
2024 Homecoming Set For August 7 - 11
Gallery of Photos from the 2023 Homecoming
View the gallery of iamges from our 2023 Homecoming event.
Lincoln mechanical parts for sale
Another large quantity of 1931 Lincoln mechanical parts is being offered for sale by the Lincoln Motor Car Foundation. They were donated to the museum upon completion of the restoration of a 1931 Lincoln sport phaeton now on display in the museum. Many parts will be on display at the October AACA Fall Meet in Hershey by LMCF Trustee Ray Theriault. His spaces are C2A-43-46 (Chocolate Field). Ray may also be contacted at
1929 Lincoln LeBaron AeroPhaeton
An iconic Lincoln will remain on loan to he Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum for another year. The one-off 1929 Lincoln LeBaron AeroPhaeton built for the 1929 automobile salons is owned by Stan Lucas of Long Beach, California. The car was placed on loan in August 2022 and will remain on display through August 2024. “This is one of most iconic, coach built Lincolns,” said David Schultz chairman and CEO of the Lincoln Motor Car Foundation. “It is extremely gracious of Mr. Lucas to share this unique motorcar with automobile enthusiasts.”
Lincoln Enthusiasts Celebrate 100th Anniversary of Ford Motor Company Acquisition of Lincoln
Lincoln enthusiasts came from as far away as Norway and Finland to celebrate the centennial of Ford Motor Company’s purchase of the Lincoln Motor Company. Although most auto historians know that the Lincoln Motor Company was founded in 1920 to build automobiles, Ford Motor Company chose 2022 to celebrate the brand’s centennial because Ford acquired Lincoln in February 1922.
Three Lincolns Donated to Foundation During Homecoming
Rare Custom-Built Lincoln Now on Display in Museum
One of most unique Lincolns ever built is now on display at the Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum—a one-off 1929 Lincoln LeBaron Aero Phaeton. It features a polished aluminum body inspired by aircraft design. The owner is Stan Lucas of Long Beach, California, owner of Lucas Classic Tires who owns several Classic Lincolns. The car was custom-built by LeBaron Carrossiers for display at the 1929 Automobile Salons. It was priced at $10,000. Only one was built. After its appearance at the salons it was sold to an aviation executive and eventually was re-sold to a private collector in the Pacific Northwest. A few years ago it came up for sale and was acquired by Mr. Lucas. “Stan has been a solid financial supporter of the Lincoln Motor Car Foundation and this is another special way he has demonstrated his support,” said David Schultz, LMCF Chairman. “This is a wonderful opportunity for vintage automobile enthusiasts to see this rare automobile.”
Lincoln Motor Company Presents $100,000 Check to Lincoln Motor Car Foundation Endowment Fund
Joy Falotico, President, Lincoln, presented the Lincoln Motor Car Foundation with a check for $100,000 for the Foundation's Endowment Fund. Receiving the check was LMCF Chairman David Schultz. The surprise check presentation took place during a dinner at The Henry Ford Museum. Prior to the presentation Ms. Falotico thanked those in attendance as “custodians of the Lincoln brand”..…”your ability to knit together the past right here in our present.” She cited Lincoln’s superior design legacy that began with the stewardship of Edsel Ford as well as technological innovation personified in the Star Concept electric vehicle.
Auction Items Needed for Lincoln Homecoming Auction
The 2022 Lincoln Homecoming will again feature an auction of Lincoln-related items. The auction will take place on Friday evening following dinner. In past years auction items have included a variety of Lincoln items, including a brick from the original Lincoln factory.
Lincoln Motor Company Seeking Lincolns for Annual Product Development Center Event
The Lincoln Motor Company is seeking Lincolns from all eras for a special display at the Ford Motor Company Product Development Center (PDC) Car and Truck Show in Dearborn, Michigan on Friday, July 15. The event is sponsored by the staff of the PDC.
The event will be held along the PDC staff buildings lawn frontage at 2000 Rotunda Drive. All Lincolns will be parked in a single area.
Lincoln Celebrates A Century Of Elegance And Innovation, Looks Ahead To A Connected, Electrified Future
On Feb. 4, 1922, Henry Ford, with encouragement from his wife Clara and his son Edsel Ford, purchased The Lincoln Motor Company from distinguished inventor and automotive engineer Henry Leland for $8 million. The transaction set in motion the creation of an iconic American luxury brand.
Ford Motor Company Seeking Vehicles to Celebrate Lincoln "Centennial"
In February 2022 the Ford Motor Company will celebrate the 100 anniversary of the company's acquisition of the Lincoln Motor Company in February 1922.
1922 Lincoln Limousine Donated to Foundation
A 1922 type 118 Lincoln limousine with a unique history has been donated to the Lincoln Motor Car Foundation by Larry Smith of Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. The car is an unrestored original with the exception of a repaint in the 1950s.
W. C. Fields’ 1933 Lincoln Now on Display
A 1933 Lincoln type 267-A KB LeBaron convertible roadster purchased new by comedian W. C. Fields is now on display in the Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum. The car is on loan from David Gunther of Rancho Cucamonga, California.
Jacques Nassar's Personal Continental on Display in Lincoln Museum
A 1961 Lincoln Continental convertible sedan with a unique history is now on display in the Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum. It formerly belonged to Jacques Nassar, president of the Ford Motor Company in 1999 - 2001. The car was donated this spring. The 1961 Lincoln Continental is considered by most automotive historians to be a milestone in automotive design.
Two Cars Added to Museum Line-Up
Two cars from very different eras have recently been placed on loan to the Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum.
Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum Seeking Lincoln Cars for Display
The Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum’s Museum Committee is seeking several cars for display in the museum. The committee made the announcement during a July 14 committee meeting chaired by LMCF President Jim Blanchard, who heads up that committee.
Lifetime Foundation Member Benefit
Lincoln is offering an additional $750 Bonus Cash on the entire lineup of impressive new Lincoln Vehicles. As a benefit of being a Life Member of the Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Foundation, Life Members are eligible for the Ford Motor Company X-Plan, a partner discount program for new Ford and Lincoln vehicles.
The Passing of Jerry and Carolyn Capizzi
Written by Jack Eby
It is with great regret and sadness that we were informed of the passing of Jerry Capizzi and his wife, Carolyn, in late May. They recently died within five days of each other of Covid-19. They were a lovely, accomplished couple and will be greatly missed by their families and a legion of friends.
Foundation Board Trustee Jack Juratovic
John S. “Jack” Juratovic, a long-time LMCF trustee, died on October 15 in
Big Rapids, Michigan. He was 79.
1922 Camp Car Press Release
A 1922 Lincoln camp car used by Henry Ford Sr. and his friends is now on display at the Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum in Hickory Corners, Michigan. Ford converted two Lincolns into camp cars for use by he and his friends, known as “the Four Vagabonds”, between 1915 and 1924.
Lifetime Foundation Member Benefit
Ford is offering an additional $500 Bonus Cash on Ford SUV’s for the Fourth Quarter for X-Plan Participants. As a benefit of being a Life Member of the Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Foundation, Life Members are eligible for the Ford Motor Company X-Plan, a partner discount program for new Ford and Lincoln vehicles.
Museum Receives 1954 Lincoln Capri from Peter Bailey
2017 Lincoln Homecoming Raffle Winner
November 15, 2017
The winner of the raffle held during the 2017 Lincoln Homecoming was Bob Blevins of Yuma, Arizona.
Additions to the Museum Showroom
October 1, 2017
Three “new” Lincolns are now on display at the Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum and one that had been on display has been donated to the museum by its owners. In addition, a Liberty V-12 motor has been restored and donated to the museum.
Museum’s 1930 Lincoln Judkins Berline Invited to St. John's Concours
July, 2017
A Lincoln owned by the Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum was invited for display at the annual Concours d'Elegance at St. John’s on July 29, 2017.
Former Ford Design Chief Jack Telnack is Guest Speaker at Lincoln Homecoming
May 26, 2017
Jack Telnack, retired chief of design at Ford Motor Company, will be the guest speaker at the annual Lincoln Homecoming dinner on Saturday, August 12.
Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum Update
February 10, 2017 by David Schultz, LMCF Chairman
The Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum ended the year on a high note, with the donation of two automobiles to the museum’s growing group of classic Lincoln motorcars. Of equal significance three separate groups from the Lincoln Division of Ford Motor Company visited the museum.
1946 Lincoln Continental cabriolet
January 5, 2017
One of the latest additions to the Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum is this 1946 Lincoln Continental cabriolet owned by David Bunch of Highland City, Florida.
Hank Dikkeboom: 1941-2016
December 22, 2016
We are sorry to report the passing of Lincoln Motor Car Foundation board member Hank Dikkeboom, who was also a Lincoln-Zephyr Owners Club (LZOC) past president and LZOC trustee. He died December 20, 2016 in the presence of his family in Wisconsin.
Lincoln Racer Arrives at Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum
July 19, 2016
The Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum is excited to have the only existing Road Race Lincoln in existence on display and at our Homecoming event August 10-14, 2016
Rare Road Race Lincoln Appeared at Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum
July 6, 2016
The only known surviving “Road Race Lincoln,” a 1954 Lincoln Capri that took first place in the 1954 Carrera Panamericana race, is on display at the Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum from July 15 through September 15.
Support Transporting the 1954 Lincoln Carrera Panamericana Car to the Lincoln Homecoming
June 15, 2016
As a long-term LMCF member, former editor of the Road Race Lincoln Register publication and archivist of the RRLR it seemed to me a little extra effort for this summer’s homecoming might pay off. Maybe I had a premonition. I suggested to Jack Eby and David Schultz that a significant car to have at the 2016 homecoming would be the Carrera Panamericana car (1954 Lincoln) that’s displayed at the National Automobile Museum/Harrah Auto Collection in Reno, Nevada.
Memorial Fund Established for Lincoln Legend Jack Passey Jr.
October 1, 2015
The Jack Passey Jr. Memorial Fund has been established by the Lincoln Motor Car Foundation to honor the well-known vintage car collector and enthusiast, who died on August 22, 2015 at the age of 88 in his home in Watsonville, California.
The Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum has Two New Cars on Display
August 25, 2015
The Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum has two new automobiles on display.
2015 Mid-America National Lincoln Meet
February 6, 2015
The 2015 Mid-America National Lincoln Meet details were announced. The meet will be held in Hickory Corners, Michigan, August 5 – 9 and Chaired by the National Lincoln and Continental Owners Club.
Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum Grand Opening Celebration
August 6-9, 2014
Lincoln car aficionados gathered at the Gilmore Car Museum to join the Lincoln Motor Car Foundation members for the Grand Opening Celebration of the new Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum. Events for those Lincoln fans began on Wednesday, August 6th with a welcome party at the host hotel.
Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Foundation Museum Progress
Hickory Corners, Michigan – June 24, 2014
The walls are up and the new Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum space is now enclosed, all accomplished since ground was broken for the Museum on June 1, 2013.
Four Major Lincoln Clubs to gather on August 9 for opening of Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum
April 15, 2014 – Hickory Corners, Mich.
All four of the major Lincoln clubs will be present when the new Lincoln Motorcar Heritage Museum is dedicated on August 9. The museum is located on the campus of the Gilmore Car Museum in Hickory Corners, Michigan.
Lincoln Museum Construction Well Underway – Specific Automobiles, Items Sought for Display
December 25, 2013 – Hickory Corners, Mich.
Construction is underway on the new Lincoln Motorcar Heritage Museum being built on the campus of the Gilmore Car Museum in Hickory Corners, Michigan.