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Be a Lincoln Star - Support the Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum

The Lincoln Motor Car Foundation is responsible for managing and supporting the Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum for the education and enjoyment of all. Since its founding, the Museum has become an amazing reality due to the generosity of current Foundation members and other involved individuals and organizations.

To secure the Museum’s future ability to preserve and share the Lincoln brand’s heritage and vehicles, the Foundation is embarking upon a campaign to raise the additional funds needed to sustain the cost of operating and maintaining the Museum on an annual basis. The objective of this campaign is to receive pledges of $300,000 or more by the end of 2023. This amount will boost the LMCF Endowment Fund to its total goal of $2,000,000 so the Fund’s annual interest and dividend earnings will cover the Museum’s yearly operating and maintenance expenses.

The Foundation invites all members of the four major Lincoln affinity clubs (Lincoln Owners Club, Lincoln and Continental Owners Club, Lincoln Zephyr Owners Club and Road Race Lincoln Register) to “Be a Lincoln Star” by participating in this important campaign. The Foundation recognizes that many of the clubs’ members have already provided financial support to the Museum and is appreciative of all past gifts. For those who have not given before, joining this campaign is the perfect way to get involved. For those who have given before, please consider continuing your support to assist in achieving this important goal.

Various levels of “Lincoln Star” support are offered in order to fit most charitable giving budgets. In return, all Foundation members who are not already Lifetime Members will receive a lifetime membership card by becoming a “Lincoln Star.” See the pledge card below that details Star giving levels and Lifetime Membership benefits. The Foundation appreciates your support and, unless not desired, will recognize all “Lincoln Star” donors on the support boards on display in the Museum.

Thank you for your consideration,

Jerry Seibert, Chairman, LMCF Fund Raising Committee

Now is the Time for Your Involvement and Support

Two million is required to provide a significant endowment to assure the operation, maintenance and permanence of the facility and associated programs. In addition, funding is needed to refine and complete the exhibits.

The Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum is a place of education, fascination and inspiration. It can also be a place of lasting legacy for you. There are a variety of naming, memorial or commemorative opportunities available.

My Personal Support for the Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum

Please join your friends and supporters of the Lincoln automotive heritage in making a generous gift for the purpose of sustaining and improving a museum where we may share with the public the history of the Lincoln brand. Contributions to the Lincoln Motor Car Foundation are welcome as a one-time gift, a pledge payable over five years, appreciated securities or as part of your estate planning. The gifts can be made in your name, in commemoration of someone that you’d like to honor or as a memorial to a loved one or friend. Appropriate recognition of your gift will be made at the museum site. Many special naming opportunities are available or one that particularly appeals to you can be created.

The Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum & Research Foundation, Inc. (LMCF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity, ID # 38-3500541. As such, all or part of your gift may be tax deductible as a charitable contribution, or if you are 70 ½, an IRA RMD gift may avoid tax. Please check with your tax advisor.

Ways to make your donation (see more details below):

  1. Mail your personal check to the LMCF.
  2. Fill out the form at the bottom of this page to donate to the LMCF by using PayPal, or your debit or credit card.
  3. Request your financial institution to mail a Qualified Charitable Distribution check
    directly from your Individual Retirement Account to the LMCF.
  4. Transfer your securities (stocks, bonds, etc.) directly from your financial institution to the LMCF. For information on potential tax advantages and/or how to accomplish a securities transfer, please send us a note using Contact Us.
  5. Become a member of the Lincoln Legacy Society. Please Click Here for information
    about including a bequest to the LMCF in your estate plans and becoming a life member of the Lincoln Legacy Society.

Donors who have an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and are 70 ½ or older may wish to consider having their financial institution make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from their IRA directly to the LMCF. The donation counts toward the donor’s annual Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) and may avoid being taxed as income. This is especially beneficial for those who are not able to itemize their charitable contributions and it achieves the same tax objective. Please check with your tax advisor.

For payment by check – Individual:

Donor Boards

These Donor Boards are presently displayed at the Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum as of 2024.

Please make your check payable to “Lincoln Motor Car Foundation”, indicate on the check, or on a separate note, your choice(s) from “Naming Opportunities” or “Other Gift Opportunities” (see lists below), enter the associated dollar amount(s) for your selection(s), and mail it to the address below.

For payment by check – Individual Retirement Account (IRA) – Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD):

  1. Please have your financial institution make their check payable to “Lincoln Motor Car Foundation”, indicate on the check “For Benefit Of / FBO [your name]” and have the financial institution mail it to the address below.
  2. Please send a response to “Contact Us” telling us to expect a check from your financial institution and describing your choice(s) from “Naming Opportunities” or “Other Gift Opportunities” (see lists below), and include the associated dollar amount(s).
PO BOX 805932

For “Naming Opportunities” please provide the proposed text that you wish to have on the item(s) you chose and provide your contact information (e-mail and/or phone number) so that we may contact you if we have any questions or issues (or, if you would like suggestions) regarding the text.

Giving Levels

There are several methods of giving. Your gift in any of the following forms will be sincerely appreciated and carefully utilized.

  • Cash or Securities
  • Multiyear Pledge up to Five Years
  • Planned or Deferred Giving as Part of Your Estate Planning
  • Memorial or Commemorative Gifts
  • Literature & Memorabilia*
  • Vehicles*

*Contact Jim Blanchard (419.461.1113, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Joel Dickson (609.399.7320, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for more information on contributing literature, memorabilia or vehicles

The following categories have been established for levels of giving

  • Founders – $500,000 or more
  • Champions – $250,000-$499,999
  • Sponsors – $100,000-$249,999
  • Patrons – $50,000-$99,999
  • Benefactors – $25,000-$49,999
  • Subscribers – $10,000-$24,999
  • Advocates – $5,000-$9,999
  • Friends – $1,000-$4,999
  • Supporters – $100-$999

Gifts of $1,000 or more also establish the donor(s) as a Life Member of the Lincoln Motor Car Foundation. Individuals with LMCF Life Membership Cards are entitled to free admission into the Gilmore Car Museum complex during normal hours of operation and are eligible for the Ford Motor Company X-Plan, a partner discount program for new Ford and Lincoln vehicles. 

Naming Opportunities

A variety of Naming Opportunities are currently available with the option to be payable over five years if desired:

  • Major Exhibits – $50,000**
  • Smaller Exhibits and Showcases – $25,000**
  • Lincoln Dealer Wall – $10,000**
  • Engraved Walkway Flagstones – $1,000
  • Engraved Double Walkway Bricks – $500
  • Engraved Walkway Bricks – $200

Please note that all choices listed above are mutually exclusive for each gift. 

**Contact Bruce Kopf (313.949.8185, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for more information on these Naming Opportunities

Please click here to see the Flagstones and Bricks Information Sheet

Other Gift Opportunities

  • Fabulous Fifty Maintenance Fund – $5,000
  • Ongoing Maintenance Fund – At your discretion
  • Endowment Fund – At your discretion – Endowment Fund investment income is exclusively used to help support and sustain the operation and maintenance of the Lincoln Motor Car Heritage Museum.
Please note that all choices listed above are mutually exclusive for each gift.

Payment for Donations and Pledges

(Credit Card or Debit Card via PayPal and PayPal Accounts)

*Required Fields